Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Friday's List

Here's a list of stuff that I need to do:

  • Ropes
  • Oil
  • Gas
  • Air

Wow, that sounds really vague, or dirty.

See, I'm headed up to Minneapolis for 1.5 days with some friends to see some other friends in a performance. I think it's going to be in a bowling alley/theatre...maybe. I'm intrigued, none-the-less. 8 hours each way. Leaving Saturday morning.

My brother is coming in Thursday night to visit the U of I as a hopeful transfer student. A non-traditional. Then he's hanging out Friday for that stuff. That night, I'll be attending a formal with the 4H house as I will be accompanying Amanda. I'm excited to break out my dancing shoes and dust off a tie. There is something really romantic about slow dancing under some colored lights on a wooden floor.

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