Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Out and about

I sent an email to my uncle, and in the tag line, I wrote Coming Out.

Turns out the email was all about how Amanda and I are going to Cali to visit him. He pointed out in the email that I only used pronouns, and alluded to how I wanted to make her an everlasting partner. Which is just befuddling! He then said, there's only one letter difference between a he and a she.

I laughed.

I love Gay Rights. I'm teching a show entitled Open Season, and Marga Gomez is Pretty Witty and Gay right now. It explores queer identities and issues.

Sometimes I fear I'm not PC enough, and then I call someone out for using the term gay in a derogatory way, as in someone saying "That's gay." And then I think, I just said, I call someone out. Double entendre...?

Dunno, but I'm pretty sure I spelled that last word wrong.

I'm eating some Tex Mex that my lovely co-worker brought in. Black beans, chicken, beef, rice, chips, the works. The greatest ten minutes of my day thus far for sure!

1 comment:

Kinzie said...

nope! it's entendre. nice work, reader.